Dealer Flow Model - Market makers are the largest players in the market and accounts for 30% of trading. Know where/when MM are buying/selling.
Experience - Years of experience trading on hedge fund desk/prop shop.
Consistent massive movers - Identifying the largest moving names on the market for the cheapest prices/vol.
Actionable insights - Quantitative models on dealer positioning and volatility. These insights are predictive.
Proven Track Record - Every trade idea is tracked and updated with exact entry/exits and unplayed ideas.
Technical Levels - Pre-market technical recaps on major index and actionable names from the watchlist.
Based on 32 reviews, Blue Deer Trading demonstrates reliable and positive customer feedback, showcasing its credibility. The product is professionally presented, offering detailed inclusions, features, and clear pricing packages. With more than 10 reviews, the product has established trust among its users. However, there appears to be no engagement in the customer Q&A section, which might leave some potential customers' queries unanswered. Overall, Blue Deer Trading is a robust and well-received product in the trading community.
Last reviewed:
May 18, 2024